William Arthur (Bill) Massena {1934-2021}

Bill Massena finished this chapter of his life peacefully in his sleep on Wednesday evening, January 20, 2021, just after his children left his side. He had spent the day with his children, and met and blessed his newest grandson and namesake, Will. Bill was 86, a week shy of his 87th birthday and 58th wedding anniversary. He lived a full and happy life.

Raised by vivacious, card-playing, dancing New Jersians of the 1940s who moved across the country and ran a boarding house near the University of Washington, Bill was the quiet one - cerebral even. 

An engineering graduate of the UW, Bill was introduced to computers in the 1950’s and found his calling. In the mid ‘60s, he earned his master’s degree studying computer science at Stanford. After ten years with Control Data, Bill joined Boeing where he developed software programs used to design and create flight-efficient wings for Boeing’s 747, 767 and 787 aircraft, among others.  He loved his work and was respected by those around him. “Bill, you have made a deep and rich contribution to Boeing and our Aero Team,” a colleague said. “You will be missed.”

Bill married twice and had 5 boys and 4 girls.  Although he and his wife Sharon’s styles were very different, he loved her deeply and her active interests and care kept him on the move after he finally retired from Boeing following his 80th birthday. Yes 80th.


The children remember him crooning them to sleep, gentle melodies like “Blackbird,” “Sleep my child and peace be with you,” and “You are my sunshine.”  Bill spent hour after hour practicing his classical guitar, challenging passages from his favorite flamenco pieces, and Bach. He loved Japanese haiku from the ancient masters, as well as reading Einstein’s theories “for fun”.  The family treasures special memories of hiking and camping trips, and trips to the ocean for body surfing and more -- Bill loved the water.

Bill also had a great sense of humor – sometimes expressed in little things like returning an empty ice cream carton to the freezer with a note: “the devil made me do it”.

We remember his deep love for the Lord and his fellow man. Two favorites included Psalm 139 and the song “My God and I,” sung by George Beverly Shea. His favorite charity was Maranatha Volunteers who drill clean-water wells in Kenya.  He loved that he was able to help give folks clean water and prized the photos they sent him.

Bill will be missed by his family and everyone that knew him. In lieu of flowers, the family ask that you consider contributing to Maranatha Volunteers.
